User Accounts

The SimplySNAP software supports multiple user accounts to provide you greater security and flexibility within your SimplySNAP installation.

Accounts Management Page

All user account management is performed from the Accounts Management page. The accounts management pane is visible only to users with Admin level access, and is accessed via the User Role drop-down in the navigation menu.

The Accounts Management page is visible to users with the Manager and All Control user roles, and provides the ability to change the password of their user account.

The Accounts Management page lists all configured user accounts and their corresponding user role. Users with the Admin user role can add and delete users, and edit the password and user role of any configured user.

User Roles

SimplySNAP supports four user roles that define how much access and control an individual user has over the system. These roles are defined per user account, and are changed by an administrator via the Edit User button.


Users with the Admin user role have full control of the SimplySNAP installation. They can make changes to any account, including other accounts with the Admin user role.


Users with the Manager user role have full access and control within the SimplySNAP system, except for the ability to create, edit, or delete user accounts. Users with the Manager user role can change the password for their account, but cannot affect other accounts.

All Control

Users with the All Control user role have the same privileges as users with the Manager user role, except for the ability to create, edit, or delete Lights, Sensors, Scenes, Zones, and Scheduled Events.

Scene Control

Users with the Scene Control user role can only view and activate configured Scenes.

Changing a User Account Password

Any user with a user role above Scene Control can change their own password, and users with the Admin user role can change the password for any user account. This is all accomplished via the Accounts Management page which is accessed by clicking the user role drop-down in the navigation menu and then clicking the Account Management drop-down menu item.

To change a user account password using the Admin user role:

  1. Click the user role drop-down in the navigation menu, then click the Account Management drop-downmenu item.

  2. Select the Edit User button to the right of the user account you wish to change the password for.

  3. Enter and confirm the new password in the Password and Repeat Password fields.

  4. Click the Save Account button to confirm the new password, or the Cancel button to exit without saving.

To change your user account password:

  1. Click the user role drop-down in the navigation menu, then click the Account Management drop-down menu item.

  2. Enter and confirm the new password in the Password and Repeat Password fields.

  3. Click the Save Account button to confirm the new password.

Adding a User Account

User accounts can only be added by a user with the Admin user role, and are added from the Accounts Management page.

To add a user account:

  1. Click the user role drop-down in the navigation menu, then click the Account Management drop-down menu item.

  2. Click the Add Account button.

  3. Enter the Username for the new account in the provided field.

  4. Enter and confirm the new account password in the Password and Repeat Password fields.

  5. Click the User Role drop-down and select the user role for the new account.

  6. Click Save Account to save the new account, or Cancel to exit without saving.